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Voila is committed to using only the highest quality, scientifically backed ingredients for optimal effectiveness.



​ A microbiota balance active ingredient 

(Bombax Costatum)

The skin is colonized by billions of bacteria that participate in the immunity regulation and the skin barrier function. Preserving this microbiota homeostasis is essential to maintain a healthy skin. Bombax Costatum protects and maintains the skin microbiota balance while respecting the most sensitive skins and mucosa.


Pre-biotic Effect

Lactobacilli belong to the urogenital commensal flora and are considered protective microorganisms, capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms by producing antimicrobial molecules and ensuring a low pH. L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. acidophilus and L. jensenii are lactobacillus present in the vaginal ecosystem and they are considered as protectors and biomarkers of the healthy vaginal tract


Soothes & Hydrates

Prebiotic effect on lactobacilli, reduces discomfort sensations, soothes and moisturizes the intimate area for an improved sexuality


Reduces Odor Causing Bacteria

In order for the skin microbiome to function properly it must be in a state of balance based on the quantity and diversity of bacteria present. If these two parameters change, dysbiosis (imbalance) occurs and undesirable bacteria can colonize the skin, reducing its barrier function against aggressions, leading to unpleasant odors.


Sustainably Sourced

Extracted from red kapok tree flower. This tree is sourced by Laboratoires Expanscience in Africa, in a classified forest and biosphere reserve protected by a UNESCO program.

The red kapok tree is an oxalogen tree, which means it is able to store durably atmospheric carbon dioxide in the soil by transforming it into limestone. This property is very interesting for the decarbonization of the environment!


Here’s a closer look at some other remarkable ingredients used in our product.

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